Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chinese Food

While people back in the states are bundling up in their chunky sweaters, cute jackets and knee high boots, I'm sitting over here sweating my butt off and it's only just Spring! PCVs and Swazi's all warned me that my city is the hottest in the country, but oh my gosh(!) this place is really really hot. It gets to be about 40 degrees Celsius with very little breeze. And the fact that my house is like a giant oven doesn't help. So it's no wonder why I got dehydrated. But before you all start to point your finger at me saying that I need to drink lots of water, let me stop you and announce that I drink water nonstop all day long; it was just one of those unfortunate bound to happen things.
Since Wednesday of last week I had felt under the weather. It might be because of the Chinese food I ate, or the unrefrigerated leftover Chinese food I ate, or it might be the fact that Obama was re-elected; regardless of what it was, something in my stomach wasn't agreeing with anything. To spare all my non-PCV readers the details of my bodily functions (which are now a normal topic amongst my circle), I will just say that I had gone3 days without eating anything and was still hanging out in the bathroom like it was giving out free money.
Saturday came and was the day of my first hip hop event—it about killed me. I almost passed out a few times in public and couldn't seem to keep it together. After about the 5th person telling me I looked bad, I knew I needed to go see the PCMO. Sunday morning the nice white air conditioned PC truck rescued me and whisked me off to Mbabane and that is where I spent my next 4 days in the Med Unit. Tuesday I was finally eating again and not having anymore…"episodes", and since I had watch 2 seasons of Modern Family, I figured I was good enough to go.
And that is where I am now, safe and sound in my cozy little place I like to call home. So the lesson learned in this situation is stay away from Chinese food and vote Republican… or maybe not?

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